Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cocktail's for a Cure

My girlfriend Kerri, put on a wonderful event last week to raise money for the Susan G Komen Foundation. The turnout was great, the auction was successful and the pink cocktails were flowing.

I was very excited to win a great auction item, 5 hours of PR/Media Relations from an all women PR Firm here in Denver. WOOOO HOOOO!!! When the website relaunches in November we will be able to go into PR overdrive :).

Unfortunately at 7 the VP Debate came on, which of course even in closed captioning, still sent me into a political tizzy. Unfortunately for me at this point I realized the person to my right and the person to my left were Republicans!!!! Oh I had to get out of there ASAP or my head was likely to blow off my body in frustration :).

It was a great night for a great cause and luckily I had the debate tivo'ed so right when I walked in I got to start it all over again- YIPPPEEEE GO BIDEN!!!

1 comment:

Kerri Butler said...

Awww....thanks for the shout out, you are so sweet!