Wednesday, July 9, 2008



Although we had a bit of a stressful morning getting to Avignon due to the fact our travel agent overlooked it was a French holiday and travel was impossible. Luckily we were able to get on our train and ended up in Avignon right on schedule.

Avignon is located in the Provence area of France and is know as the City of Popes. From 1309-1377, Avignon starred as the second Vatican, when the Pope at that time escaped Rome for security reasons. The entire city is surrounded by a mid-evil wall, which has been blown out in spots to allow for roads.

We spent our first afternoon walking around the town and around the Palace of the Popes and in the gardens above the Palace and Church. From the gardens the views are amazing, both of the Rhone river and also of the surrounding historic sites including the mid-evil bridge across the Rhone (half way across now).

We located a great wine bar that had 2.50 Euro regional wines and beers. This was so cheap compared to everywhere else we had been, so we had a few glasses :). Unfortunately that led to eating a hot pink (scary) hot dog later that night LOL.


We took a great tour of the Provence area including the villages of Roussilion and Gordes and the Lavender fields at Abbaye de Senanque.

The village of Roussilion is a beautiful town nestled at the top of a mountain. Everything is this village is painted with the colors of earth that are available in the region, red, orange and yellow. The village has been protected from building since 1946, so modern renovations will not occur in the village. There were sections of the town with huge red rocks, similar to what we have in Colorado. Our guide actually told us later they call it French Colorado.

Next we headed to a village called Gordes. This village is named one of France's most beautiful towns and as you drive up to it you understand why. The town was constructed in the 11th century and everything is entirely made of dry stone work.

Our last stop was the lavender fields at Abbaye de Senanque. This was the part I was the most excited for and it did not disappoint. The smell was so wonderful too.

Once we had cleaned up we headed to an African restaurant in Avignon for dinner called Woolloomooloo. This proved to be our most challenging meal because nothing was in English and no one spoke English. We basically just guessed and surprisingly the food was great!


We headed out early in the morning to a town called Arles. We were very interested in this town because this is the town were Van Gogh produced most of his work (and cut off a piece of his ear :) so throughout the town there are easels set up with Van Gogh's paintings to show you were he sat to paint his famous pieces. The last photo is actually set up in front of his old apartment.

It also is famous for its Roman Arena. Nearly 2,000 years ago Gladiators fought wild animals for crowds entertainment. In the early 1800's an entire town was set up within the circular defenses of the Arena. Obviously the town was cleared out not too long after and the arena returned. It has been somewhat modified for the "Bullgames" that still occur in the town and the outside is being completely restored so it will actually look the way it did 2000 years ago, again.

After we had lunch at a great Lebonese cafe we were on our way to Cannes in the French Riveria.

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