Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Last weekend in the true spirit of the Valentines Day season, I attended "The Art of Passion" by CultureHaus at The Denver Art Museum. The event was very decadent, with a lot to both look at, eat, drink, breathe (O2 Bar) and talk about. We arrived just as the last set of sushi was picked from the naked sushi models, I think Crystal took the last male model piece hehe. We sipped on wonderful passion themed drinks and dipped into the chocolate fountains, while listening to our male friends talk about all the cute boys (all gay as well). It was primarily all gay men and some very, very beautiful women so it made for an interesting crowd. After getting our fill of "girl talk" with our guy friends it was off to go meet up with some other girls (the real kind lol).

We met up with the ladies and around town we went. What a fun girls night!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Check out my Uncle's newest episodes of Backstory!!!


Well I have had two very busy girlfriends in the last couple of weeks. Both my girlfriend Katie and Kerri have had their little ones.

Katie actually delivered first, which surprised us all. Caroline Quinn Cole, decided she wanted to join us about 4 weeks early. So when my phone rang on January 23rd, I did not think anything out of the ordinary. Although when Katie said her water had broken and she was driving herself, to the hospital, I then realized it was not just a normal Weds call. Pat and I then headed right over to the hospital, stopping to grab some batteries for Casey's camera first. Once we arrived the contractions had started and Katie was off to great start and Casey was just rolling around the room on his new favorite doctors chair. I teased Casey for awhile, telling him I knew 100% they were having a girl (they didn't find out the sex), he of course, being a guy insisted it was a boy. I knew he was wrong, LOL!!!!! We stayed for a bit but then headed home with the promise that right when the baby came she would call me. At around 6am I got a call about the arrival of their little girl!!! Little Caroline had to stay in the hospital for about a week getting over jondus a couple of times but other then that is just perfect!!! Now Casey, Katie and Caroline are all at home getting to know each other :)

Caroline Quinn Cole

My next call came on February 5th, and Kerri called from home to let me know it was time!!! Kerri and her husband Scott, live in Dallas, so unfortunately I cannot give play by play details like with Katie. So what I do know is that Kerri did an amazing job and little Benjamin Patrick Butler, came into the world on February 6th at 9:19 am. He is a super healthy lil boy, but from what I hear has a HUGE head, Kerri said his head is almost a large around as his body is long LOL. I cannot wait to meet him and am planning on visiting the Butler family as soon as things calm down a bit for them.

Benjamin Patrick Butler

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So proud to be typing from Obamarado, home of the Baracky Mountains today!!!! In Colorado we had an enormous amount of people come out to Caucus on Super Tuesday. My father was even elected a delegate for Obama, WOOOO HOOOOO.

Lets keep our fingers crossed!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What a GIANT Mardi Gras Party!!!!

This Superbowl Sunday, Pat and I decided to spice it up and combine with another one of my favorite holidays, Mardi Gras. Although we weren't in Nalens, a little homage to the French Quarter seemed appropriate. So the beads came out and the King Cake was ordered and the Pat O'Brien's hurricanes were mixed (by the way when you make them yourself, you see why Bourbon Street becomes a blur ;-).

We had a tasty Creole menu of Gumbo, courtesy of our own "Cajun Queen", Brandi. I put together a wonderful salad and ordered an authentic King Cake, but the baker forgot the baby. My assistant Jeremy also brought his signature dish called "The Smorgesbourge". It was wonderful to eat such great food and drink yummy (not to mention STRONG!!!) hurricanes, while watching a really good Superbowl.

We had a great time and maybe a couple too many Hurricanes :)

As you can see Jeremy sure loved the hurricanes!!! (No, he is not wearing lipstick)