Thursday, August 21, 2008


As many others I am disappointed to report not getting DNC credentials. I am sure I wanted them as badly as EVERYONE else though too :). My mom discovered this week that in order to be awarded with credentials you had to have volunteered before the announcement of the outdoor acceptance speech. So it turns out that is isn't really open to the public after all booo whooooo :(. Although I am very disappointed in not getting to be a part of that on the 28th, I am not missing out on all of the other awesome things happening in Denver starting this Saturday and going through next Thursday.

I will be taking my camera everywhere with me for the next week or so, so if any of you who are out of state don't want to miss out on hearing about everything, just check back throughout the week. I am sure I will have some amazing photos and stories to share. The amount of celebrities and musicians that are expected in Denver next week is crazy. Every hotel in the Denver metro area is pretty much sold out along with a lot of privately owned properties, with unbelievable price tags. Oprah for example has rented a house in Cherry Creek North for the week for $50,000.00.

I will keep you all posted.......... GO OBAMA

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