Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009- Part 3

After brunch on Christmas Eve at the Broughams was over we headed to my Moms for her Holiday open house. For a party that only lasted two hours, I suppose only my family (and Moms friends) would end up rolling a rug up to do our best "C Walking". Yes it is gang related. No, I am not currently affiliated with this gang but... I will cut you bitch!!!! That one is for you Mike and the Italy crew.

The party was a ton of fun and after we wrapped up our "dance-off" we headed downtown for a lovely dinner at Bistro Vendome. It was a great Christmas Eve filled with lots of cocktails and lots and lots of laughs. I am so blessed to have such a HILARIOUS family :).

In the morning Pat and I headed back to my Moms for breakfast and gifts and then off to our Christmas movie. This year we agreed on "Up In The Air", which was not as good as I thought it was going to be :(.

We finished up our Christmas at Pats Aunts house for a great dinner with Pats extended family.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and here is to a GREAT 2010!!

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